
Pirated media

On Saturday, January 17.01.2015, XNUMX, I stood with Tobias Huch and the Peshmerga in Shingal, Kurdistan (Iraq). Shortly beforehand, the grenades and rockets flew and impacts could be heard behind us. The silo building was hit. Tobias Huch writes an “interview” with IS on a Peshmerga grenade with my pencil and wanted to criticize Jürgen Todenhöfer’s IS interview: “This is how you do an interview with IS!”. This picture and video of me are currently on the German news.

It is important to me to report on the area, especially because there are hardly any journalists there. My material is so current and important that some of it was used correctly licensed directly by Bild, Ruhrbarone and Rudaw. They don't just pick out a 43 second video for the next clickbait and present the content without any context.

Among other things, have Spiegel OnlineStarWeltN24N-TVSWRCentral German newspaperExpressT-OnlineHuffington PostRPR1Berliner Zeitunggeneral newspaperFocus OnlineHamburger Morgenpost, Rheinische Post,yahoo news and Berliner Kurier  used my material - so it's important and worth seeing. Apart from those mentioned above, no one licensed it before using it. Many don't even identify me as the author. N24, Focus Online, N-TV, Liveleak and Spiegel Online have placed their logo over my video and are distributing it independently. T-Online puts a false copyright notice over my name in the video.

I asked (under my real name) whether I could license the video from them. No one but me can have the rights to the recordings because I have not licensed this video to anyone yet. At Spiegel Online I was told that I could use the material for a four-figure amount. This is the second time that my material has been used there without asking. But for the first time they would license it to me. An answer is still pending from the others.

This behavior annoys me extremely. There are some editorial teams who immediately send the lawyer if you just blog a screenshot of them. They weren't there themselves, don't provide any insight into the original material, and don't even explain the whole situation behind the video. They don't name me as the source of the images, but at least one would take money for my material without doing anything for it. Sorry dear people, this is not journalism.

 Spiegel Online would sell me my own material
Wrong source
World cites N24 as the source