
Söder sees support for the CDU in the rejection of the black-green coalition

Photo: Carsten Linnemann, Markus Söder, Friedrich Merz on May 07.05.2024th, XNUMX, via dts news agency

Berlin (dts) - After the CDU party conference in Berlin, CSU chairman Markus Söder is convinced that the sister party shares his strict rejection of a coalition with the Greens after the next federal election. Söder told the TV channel “Welt” in Berlin on Wednesday: “The clear majority at the party conference applauded my recommendation, namely a clear rejection of the Greens.”

The CSU leader reiterated his view that it would be better to form a grand coalition with the SPD as a junior partner. Söder continued: “The Greens are actually not a coalition partner for me. And then there is only the other option.” Because a sole government for the Union is “rather unusual”. And: “I can’t imagine black and green. And the CSU would also be clearly against it.”

Because the Greens stand for “a completely different world view” and are making “bad energy and economic policy for our country”. Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck said the numbers were bad, but the situation was good. Söder: “As a rule, only Bundesliga coaches of relegation candidates talk about the situation.”
