
Jusos demand a tougher approach from the SPD compared to the FDP

Photo: Philipp Türmer (archive), via dts news agency

Berlin (dts) – Juso boss Philipp Türmer is calling on his party to take a closer look at the FDP. “The approach towards her has to become tougher – we owe it to young people in particular,” Türmer told “Stern”.

"It is against an appropriate adjustment of the minimum wage, is blocking measures that have already been agreed to reduce rents - and what is doing the most harm to our generation is Lindner's clinging to the debt brake." Instead of investing in infrastructure, public services and climate-friendly economic growth, the FDP is "standing against it “Every economic reason” adheres to the debt brake, said Türmer.

The FDP’s “neoliberal policies” are exactly the wrong thing in the current situation and are exacerbating the social and economic crisis. Such a course would only drive the right-wing populists “into the arms of more voters,” the head of the SPD youth organization accused the liberals of. “The 12-point plan therefore rightly has no prospect of being implemented in the traffic lights.”

The FDP wants to meet in Berlin this weekend for its two-day federal party conference. 12 demands from the Federal Presidium to “accelerate the economic transition” will also be discussed there. The proposals are met with resistance, particularly in the SPD.
